Command Line Interface (CLI)


The CLI version of OpenCOR currently offers a limited number of features. You might therefore want to use its Graphical User Interface (GUI) version instead.


$ ./OpenCOR -h
Usage: OpenCOR [-a|--about] [-c|--command [<plugin>::]<command> <options>] [-h|--help] [-p|--plugins] [-v|--version] [<files>]
 -a, --about     Display some information about OpenCOR
 -c, --command   Send a command to one or all the plugins
 -h, --help      Display this help information
 -p, --plugins   Display the list of plugins
 -v, --version   Display the version of OpenCOR


$ ./OpenCOR -v
OpenCOR [2013-06-22] (32-bit)


$ ./OpenCOR -a
OpenCOR [2013-06-22] (32-bit)
GNU/Linux 3.5.0-34-generic
Copyright 2011-2013

OpenCOR is a cross-platform CellML-based modelling environment which can be
used to organise, edit, simulate and analyse CellML files.


$ ./OpenCOR -p
The following plugin is loaded:
 - CellMLTools: a plugin to access various CellML-related tools.


$ ./OpenCOR -c help
Commands supported by CellMLTools:
 * Display the commands supported by CellMLTools:
 * Export <in_file> to <out_file> using <format> as the destination format:
      export <in_file> <out_file> <format>
   <format> can take one of the following values:
      cellml_1_0: to export a CellML 1.1 file to CellML 1.0
$ ./OpenCOR -c CellMLTools::export in.cellml out.cellml cellml_1_0